"Something Happened On Your 25th
Birthday That Has You DOOMED To
Grow Old...
...Unless You Pay Attention To This
Urgent Message."
"When prestigious publications like the Journal of American Medicine write about anti-aging treatments, people listen. Will you?"
Dear New Best Friend:
ecent research has shown that inserting a gene for the protein component of telomerase into senescent human cells re-extends their telomerase to lengths typical of young cells, and the cells then display all the other identifiable characteristics of young, healthy cells.
-- Journal of American Medicine
“Let me turn that quote into English for you...”
As the body ages our cells lose some of their ability to regenerate and to perform the functions they were designed to perform. Our hair turns gray, eyesight and hearing fade and even our organs begin to deteriorate. Most scientists will tell you that the aging process is brought about by changes in the proteins, lipids and nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA that make up our cellular structure.
What the Journal article is saying is that experiments have shown that this aging process can be slowed down by introducing certain changes to aging cells, and when those changes are introduced, the cells rejuvenate to the point that they function as if they were much younger.
As scientists continue searching for the equivalent of the 'fountain of youth' by taking closer looks at cellular structures and the impacts of stress and diet on aging, everyday people are looking for solutions today. That's why those who can afford it are paying upwards of $25,000 a year--or more, for procedures such as hormone therapies, DNA analysis, and anti-aging cosmetic surgeries.
“But what about people like us who can't afford to cash out our 401Ks to slow down our aging process? ”
Introducing RENEUVE™
RENEUVE™ (pronounced "renew") is a revolutionary anti-aging telomerase enzyme supplement formulated to "roll back" the cellular aging process and radically alter the way you physically look and viscerally experience life.
(Click on label for larger image.)
"How does RENEUVE™ work and what is this 'telomerase enzyme' anyway?"
According to the publication Anti-Aging Today, "Telomerase is a new theory of aging that holds many promising possibilities for the field of anti-aging medicine." The report goes on to say that scientists at the Geron Corporation in Menlo Park, California discovered that "Telomerase enzymes are sequences of nucleic acids extending from the ends of our chromosomes and acting to maintain their integrity.
The tragedy that occurs on everyone's 25th birthday is that from this point on every time their cells replicate, the telomerase enzymes that translate the information required to replicate an identical youthful cell are shortened--creating a "lost in translation" scenario that leads to the cellular damage and ultimate cellular death that is incorrectly called aging."
RENEUVE™ re-introduces critical Anti-Aging and Immune System-Strengthening Telomerase Enzymes and Peptides into your body and then distributes these enzymes to all cells within your body. RENEUVE™ has allowed our clientele to experience cellular replication that is free from the errors that cause aging.
“Here's the scientific basis behind this amazing discovery:”
Much of the research conducted to date has led scientists to discover that one of the keys to slowing down again and rebuilding cells is the enzyme known as telomerase.
The role of telomerase appears to be manipulating the life of the cell by presiding over the mechanism that controls how long the cell lives. Some cancer researchers believe that the creation of a targeted telomerase inhibitor may actually be able to stop a cancer cell's ability to divide--thus stopping the spread of cancer. It is even widely believed that specialized telomerase enzymes might actually be able to convert cancer cells back into normal cells!
Despite the fact there is continuous research going on in the field of anti-aging, there has yet to be a consensus on the actual cause of cellular deterioration that account for the aging process. As soon as one theory is developed, another group of scientists dispute it and then publish their own contradictory theories. Isn't it supremely ironic (as Dr.Hans Kugler, editor of the Journal of Longevity Research agrees) that many of the world's leading anti-aging scientists are busy dying of old age themselves because they can't put aside their own scientific egos?
Once of the most confounding issues faced by researchers is the fact that the aging process is not predictable or uniform across all of humanity. Each of us age differently based upon our genetic makeup, degree of stress, dietary habits, environment, etc. As a matter of fact the only thing all of us share in common is the fact that we are all aging and all our cells will eventually give out.
That is, until now:
"But while the scientific community is busy arguing with each other and creating new 'theories,' some have actually taken the steps to extract active telomerase enzymes from live cultures in order to create a supplement that brings science reality into the room NOW-- not at some future time when it will do you no good." |
So now you know why RENEUVE™ is such a paradigm-shifting product. It delivers the exact enzymes that degrade past your 25th birthday. It's just like bringing a dying plant back to life with just some water and fertilizer. RENEUVE™ is the "water and fertilizer" that your cells need to flourish.
"But is it easy to use?"
Yes! RENEUVE™ is available as a 30-milliliter (30cc), single-dose liquid. This single vial of RENEUVE™ represents a "full-body cellular reset" for a full-grown adult. RENEUVE™ is taken orally every 6 months. You can drink the product right from the bottle, or mix it into your favorite beverage. It doesn't get easier than that!
(RENEUVE™ is sold as a dietary supplement only, and is not sold to treat, prevent, diagnose, or cure any diseases or illnesses. Please consult a physician before taking this or any dietary supplement. If you are pregnant or nursing you should be aware that RENEUVE™ contains grain alcohol to extend shelf life--equivalent to drinking 1 shot of 80-proof alcohol. )
“Who Discovered RENEUVE™?”
RENEUVE™ is the product of groundbreaking research from Phoenix Research Institute, LLC. Using today's most current technology including a 2-stage process to extract critical anti-aging telomerase enzymes and peptides from the cellular infrastructure of select glandular tissue.
“Why Should I Try RENEUVE™?”
I'm sure you are still skeptical as to why we make such bold claims about the effectiveness of RENEUVE™.
The answer boils down to one simple fact:
RENEUVE™ is in our experience the best thing out there. While it will not treat, mitigate, or cure any age-related disease, it will enhance the user's own cellular and metabolic ability to repair or correct cellular, organal, hormonal or skin-related problems. Each individual in our tests has shown different results as the age-related symptoms themselves differ from person-to-person.
Ask yourself this...
“Can A Parade Of Happy Customers Be Wrong?”
Don't take our word for it - see what a few of our customers have to say...
The results expressed in the above testimonials may be unique to the individual(s) involved. The testimonials and descriptions of the products used are not intended to promote any direct or implied health claims, and actual results of usage can vary.
“How Do I Get RENEUVE™?”
One bottle of RENEUVE™ is only $250.00 (FREE Priority Shipping to all US customers and overseas). It's a little more pricey than other "anti-aging" nutritional supplements (resveratrol anyone?) at your local vitamin shop or on the internet. However, the price of RENEUVE™ is less then 3% of the cost of similar products used in anti-aging clinics that involve the telomerase enzyme. I mean, the difference between $250 and $7,000 is pretty big, don't you think? It used to be that anti-aging therapies were an obsession of the rich and priviliged, only. RENEUVE™ has changed all of that.
RENEUVE™ resets your "body time clock" enabling celular rejuvination and well being
RENEUVE™ "renews" your DNA and enables your body to produce more life-supporting stem cells..
RENEUVE™ possesses the ability to support a physical "age reversal" from the inside out--without any side effects!
“Why You Can Trust RENEUVE™”
Would you rather wonder if you could have done something about your "aging problem" or would you rather have taken the first steps to a healthier, younger you right now? You'll never know how well RENEUVE™ works until you try it yourself. Just reading about how good it is won't make you look and feel better, and here is your opportunity to take action and reclaim the youth you thought you'd lost forever. From childhood on through adulthood, the pressures of modern society systematically strip away our awareness, our choices, and finally our youth itself. With the ever-increasing pressures afforded by accelerating technologies, is it any wonder that visible "aging symptoms" are occurring in younger and younger people?
"...extends the reproductive stage of your body's stem cells and improves your glands' hormone producing lifespan..."
"...introduces critical anti-aging telomerase enzymes and peptides from the cellular infrastructure of select glandular tissues..."
"...resets the genetic blueprint of your DNA to your body to the original, youthful version... "
"...renews your functional DNA to regain its' ability to recombine again..."
"...restores your body to the physical and cellular state where cellular reproduction repairs its functions, enabling your body to return to its' optimal youthful functionality..."
Here's the bottom line:
You want to look and feel younger again...
RENEUVE™ is an easy and affordable way to get back the perpetual youth that is your birthright!
The choice is yours. You can continue to do nothing while waiting patiently for the scientific community to come into a universal agreement, or you can get your real, youthfull self back with a safe and easy-to-take nutritional supplement that's more effective than anything else out there!
Remember, RENEUVE™ is only available on the internet, so act now!
3 Choices to Order and Save:
1. Reneuve Telomerase Enzyme supplement - one time "re-set" of telomerase enzyme in your body.
2. Reneuve Phase-5 formula. (Contains: N-Acetylcysteine, Astragalus, Vitamin D3, Telomerase Enzyme, Grenadine). This formula is to be used on a daily basis.
3. Order both Reneuve and Reneuve Phase-5 and save.