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Jesus Christ




The Bible has established that there are two gospels: the circumcision, which is the law
Moses, for Jews and the uncircumcised, the grace, we
Gentiles, Galatians 2:7.

The Peter took charge of the Gospel


  • If they see sin (1 Jn. 2:1)
  • Believe that the devil walks
    as a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8)
  • They practice the basics: baptism,
    imposition of hands and watches
    (Acts 2:38)
  • Mix faith with works of the law (James 2:24)
  • Imitate Jesus of Nazareth
    (1 Jn 2:6)
  • The following signs and signals
    (2 Thess. 2:11)
  • Await the coming of the Lord and
    world destruction (2 Peter 3:12)

The Paul instructed the Gospel of


  • Find themselves dead to sin (Ro. 6:2)
  • They know that the devil was destroyed
    (He. 2:14)
  • Has left the rudiments of
    doctrine of Christ, go ahead
    Perfection (He. 6:1, Col. 2:20)
  • Are justified by faith without the
    works of law (Ro. 3:28)
  • They are the Other, the resurrected
    (Ro. 7:4, 2 Corinthians 5:16)
  • Understand the power of the Gospel
    (Ro. 1:16, 2 Corinthians 12:9)
  • They are enjoying the arrival of
    Lord no relation with sin (He. 9:26)


With the death of Jesus accomplished, we are safe and perfect at once and forever, Hebrews 10:14.
Lamb has volunteered to take away sin, Hebrews 9:26. Christ put you dead to sin, Romans 6:2, therefore you can not live in it. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ livou you from sin and death, Romans 8:2. Christ ended the law. The sin is death, Romans 10:4, Romans 7:8. If he took the sin, can not call you a sinner.


God got in a body called Jesus of Nazareth to death with her destroy the devil, Hebrews 2:14. Once, a child of God is a spirit with which it can not be possessed by a character that was destroyed it two thousand years ago. The works of the flesh are evil, this is the opponent with what we have to deal with. For it is God's word, the power of the gospel of the uncircumcision to battle against the desires of the flesh and against ignorance, 2000 years of religious lies.


"I declare to you about confidently, without fear, without guilt to the throne of grace, to listen to the real science that you think should help.

I get blessed, that you give yourself to this form of education that your eyes are bright,
you enter into the glorious freedom of God's children.

Confess to me: "Enough already, I can not keep living this lie, this other form of doctrine which has deceived me, who has lied, has enslaved me. I get that Christ is formed in me. I get peace in my life for my family. I get to walk in health, prosperity, and that angels are my service. I get the best times to live without sin, no devil, reconciled to God. I get to walk in the spirit and the true gospel. "



At the end of time when Jesus of Nazareth said, "is consummated," and died, ended the era of sin.

  • His death ended the law, Rom 10:4
  • Where no law, not blameless of sin, Rom 5:13

The man had a head representative named Adam that brought him into sin, but it appeared the last Adam, Jesus of Nazareth, and went the same way their justice.

  • "For as by one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." Rom 5:19

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross put us in the position of the dead to sin, Rom 6:2.

A dead man has no debts, our account is paid, clean. God sees you as you left it 2000 years ago, perfect, without spot or wrinkle, by one offering, Heb 10:14.

The evil that you see today is the product of the flesh, the old man who is addicted and it humbles us.

We have the gospel of the uncircumcised, which is the power of God, Rom 1:16. With this information in your mind have the power to overcome all the lies, weaknesses and deceitful desires of your flesh. Jesus Christ through the grace of science teaches you not to air strikes, teaches you to hit your body with the spiritual weapons, taking every thought captive to obedience to Christ and trusting in the Holy Spirit of God.

Jesus Christ makes you worth noting that the works of the flesh and sin are two different works of the flesh are the weaknesses that has everyone who lives in a body. The sin has been eradicated, has been liquidated.

"... But now, at the end of the world , performed once forever by the sacrifice of himself to take the middle sin . " Heb 9:26

So, there is no sin, blessed.




 With unspeakable words, God himself, reminded us that the Second Letter to Timothy 1, verse 13 "retains the form of sound words which you heard from me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." I mean by that is not read. That has to be heard. Reading you do not sack the way, is listening. Because faith comes by hearing. There is only one way and this way is a mystery.
In his first letter to Corinthians chapter 2, verse 6:07 says: "However, we speak wisdom among those who reached maturity, and wisdom, not this century. Nor of the princes of this century that perish. "This wisdom is the way and this way of teaching is in our ministry and this form was hidden. But in Romans 6:17 says that we were slaves but now we obey that form of doctrine which we have been delivered. Say: Hold the FORM.
It's the same rule that has to follow. Because this form makes you feel the same. Because this is the way that activates the mind of Christ in you. And if it is the mind of Christ, is no longer yours. That is why we speak the same world as we serve God with the mind. And there are no problems. God will dominate, take you, no matter the distance. Now for a church that is doctrinally sound, has to have that bob, (instrument used to see if something is straight or bent) have to have that rule. One of the things that you ensure that you are in a good church is to use the same form, the same rule or even plummet. If other churches do not have the form, the rule and plumb, then there are churches ...
In First Corinthians 1:10 says: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and there are no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same opinion. "Because it is a very mind is the mind of Christ. And in 30 nations speak the same, the same opinion, the same mind. And so are the bishops and pastors of this ministry, speaking the same thing, to be submitted to the same shape and have the mind of Christ. Paul had the mind of Christ, but disappeared for 2000 years.
Biblically, God has a way and if you do not discover this form does not work. What's life turns into death. Once changes the way it affects the friendship immediately. Because the prophet said, two walk unless they agree? The problem is that this form is revealed to one man. If you retain the shape, form guarantees you a job. So you can not point the finger at anyone. Say, I retain this form of teaching.
I am:

 Jesus Our Light, the Way the Truth and the Life

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